Hello, I am trying to move my Joomla site from local server xampp to a live server. I am using Joomla 5.2.2 .Everything works fine on localhost .I have configured everything that is required on my hosting but on launching the site, I get a Sorry, there was a problem we could not recover from.
The server returned a "500 - Whoops, looks like something went wrong." I had initially solved the issue by deleting administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php but i unfortunately forgot my backend password so I took the whole site down and upon uploading it again and trying the same method of deleting autoload_psr4.php, it wont work.
aNY help.
The server returned a "500 - Whoops, looks like something went wrong." I had initially solved the issue by deleting administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php but i unfortunately forgot my backend password so I took the whole site down and upon uploading it again and trying the same method of deleting autoload_psr4.php, it wont work.

Statistics: Posted by jontedavinci — Wed Dec 11, 2024 4:29 pm